Sprouting Seeds

Sun, 06/24/2018 - 19:03 -- admin

How much time to rebuild a building? Those who haven't done it will tell you 6 months, 12 if you want something really special. Veterans, those who have friends who have experienced it, would assume a year and a half. And the ones who went in the trenches will say over two with a sigh. (The sigh means probably longer.) For Bnos Rabbeinu it is over three, and we are sane because it is all G-d.

Sometimes our humanity gets involved and frustration sets in. But Hashem has His ways of reminding us that it is Him.

Bnos Rabbeinu's annual federal inspection. Post fire, we are renting an off-site location for the duration. Inspections heavily focus on location, building safety, structure etc. We are renting a wing in a dental medical building. Not exactly up to standard requirements and codes.

Chabad Girls High School Building

Pull on our reservoirs of trust. It will be fine, He will deal with the details.

The date gets closer. We are still trusting, with no clue how He is dealing with the details. On the literally last day, we stumble across an obscure subsection of a rule.

With the approval of the main campus, satellite locations can be registered.* that do not need to meet all requirements.

What are they putting in fine print? Mazal tov! Satellite Bnos Rabbeinu is born.

Now we are perhaps ready, but maybe not. Inspections are always tough.

No issue, Hashem runs the world.

We receive an email. This year in lieu of an onsite inspection an online form will be accepted if you prefer.

We definitely preferred.

Did Hashem just break nature for us twice in this vignette?

The Jewish farmer plants, allowing a good seed to rot in the earth, because he believes in Hashem. Not because he believes that when you put seeds in the ground, plants grow. Who says? Just because it has happened daily for thousands of years? Toss a good seed based on speculation? No, but he is a believer. G-d will help and from this seed will come more food than the kernel can provide. Nature is a series of undercover events. Miracles are the ones that blew their cover.

Our job is to blow the cover through our faith and inquiry. Expose G-d in nature.

I once discussed the fall of communism with a Russian Lubavitcher. I lived through it. The superpower that terrified the free world, the rigid iron curtain, all suddenly gone. She lived through it far more, not from the safety of this continent, but as a proactive refusnik. After she got out, she found Hashem in Italy, migrated to America, and connected to the Rebbe in Boston. Yet she insisted the collapse was natural, the soldiers were hungry and underpaid. With unhappy soldiers, communism fell apart. (Are North Korean soldiers all well fed loyalists?)

Something as overt as the Evil Empire's one week demise can be viewed by a Lubavitcher who experienced much in her own Russian journey as discontented soldiers reshaping history. There is always that option. What miracle can compete with the splitting of the Reed Sea? Thirteen paths open up, the waters are stationary walls, and the sea bed is dry land with fruit bearing trees the children feed to the birds as all sing praise to Hashem. As the last Jew leaves the beautiful paths, the Egyptians enter, and the serene waters crash on bloodthirsty masses. At the same time as the Jews experience their salvation, Hashem splits all waters of the world, to publicize the miracle pre social media exposure. The whole world knew, and many attributed it to G-d saving the Jews. Except the scientific ones who defended it as a natural phenomenon - it happened throughout the world.

Rejoice in Hashem or worship nature. It's your choice.

When looking at Bnos Rabbeinu's federal inspection, it happened to be that they allow satellite locations, it happened to be they didn't want to come out to inspect, or Hashem's loving hand gently removed the situation.

Chabad Girls

We make this choice daily. The parking spot that opened up. Hashem's hand? Or, that happens. Like sprouting seeds.

We can be Jewish farmers, uncovering the soil and finding G-d in every detail.

Then it's worth wasting a seed, G-d will ensure it sprouts. It's worth proceeding ahead with an impossible inspection, G-d will ensure the pass. And we understand every delay in the process of rebuilding our school and dormitory as Hashem's deliberate loving design.

With Hashem's help we will be ready to open our new doors to our school and dormitory in September.