"This is the first production my daughter has ever been in. Before she asked me if I thought she could get a minor part, and I told her to try. You made her a star."
These words were said to me by the mother of the main actress, and I was shocked. To me, such a quality actress surely had been on stage annually. But this was her first. It changed her into someone who believed in her talent and looked at life differently because of it.
Production is one of the special parts of high school for so many girls. It gives them a chance to shine and a platform for many talents. (I remember a girl becoming an amazing carpenter building our sets.) It gives them a kosher outlet, something exciting to be involved in and a great place to put their extra time. It also creates friendships and strong bonds of shared experiences and joint efforts.
Of course, Bnos Rabbeinu did not invent productions, but we did innovate a first for the frum high school world, making the production a movie. BH we have produced several movies, opening up a venue for different talents and producing something of lasting value for the orthodox women's entertainment world.
Our Sages teach that Hashem did not create anything in vain. Every ability we have is given with specific G-dly intent. Every talent our daughter has is there for a reason and can be cultivated to help her serve Hashem, directly or indirectly.
When we foster positivity in our daughter about herself and her abilities, we are giving her a lifelong gift - belief in herself, the confidence to try new ventures, the ability to fail with grace and the wisdom to get up, gather the shattered pieces and try again. And that is what success is built from -to keep moving, despite failures, keep your eye on the goal and have absolute Hashem centered confidence in your ability to get there.
Gift this perspective to your child, your spouse and to yourself. It will change lives.